Patient Stories

Millions of Americans, just like you, are gaining access to health coverage in California. For many, it is their first time getting access to coverage and care. Despite this historic achievement, there will remain a substantial number of individuals who are uninsured, excluded and unrecognized in the new health insurance landscape. As part of our efforts to improve our advocacy strategies and strengthen our policy priorities, we want to hear from you.

Share your experience on accessing health care and how you think services can be improved. A representative from the Community Clinic Consortium will contact you to discuss your experience. Your information and story will not be shared with any third parties without your permission.

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Briefly share your experience accessing health care below. A representative from the Community Clinic Consortium will reach out shortly to speak to you further about your experience.

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The Community Clinic Consortium (the Consortium) supports community clinics in Contra Costa and Solano Counties in their effort to provide free and low-cost health care to thousands of people in need. Community health centers are sophisticated providers of primary care and other services for all patients who walk through the door. As the economic climate has worsened over the past few years, the need for these services has continued to grow and these centers play an increasingly critical role as health care providers in our communities.

The following stories chronicle three patients who, upon losing their jobs and employer-provided health insurance, turned to our health centers for quality and timely care.

A woman in her 50s lost her job and private health insurance during the economic downturn. After visiting a mobile clinic, she was referred to one of our community health centers where she was promptly enrolled as a permanent patient. The clinic providers effectively assessed her need for diagnostic Gastro Intestinal (GI) care. They networked with the Consortium to get her the necessary care through a local non-profit organization that does free out-patient surgery sessions and diagnostic GI procedures, Operation Access.

An asymptomatic man received a routine check-up at one of our health centers after losing his job and private health insurance. The primary care provider requested lab work and determined a need for a prostate biopsy. Clinic staff worked with the Consortium to access the necessary procedure at Operation Access. The biopsy was positive for cancer. Clinic staff worked with the patient to enroll him in Emergency Medi-Cal and he received treatment in a timely manner. After treatment was completed, the patient returned to our health center as a regular patient.

A female patient lost her job and came to one of our health centers complaining of pain. The center provided her with a clinical breast exam and determined a need for further diagnostic specialty care. Clinic staff enrolled the patient in the Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Program (BCCTP) and helped her navigate the numerous complicated diagnostic steps. Clinic staff coordinated care and ensured that the patient receive and understand all necessary treatment. The biopsy resulted in a positive diagnosis for breast cancer. Clinic staff enrolled the patient in Emergency Medi-Cal and secured a referral for treatment.

These stories represent the countless patients who rely on community health centers each day for quality preventative health care. The tireless work of clinic staff enables patients to lead productive lives, care for their families and treat health problems before they lead to difficult and costly Emergency Room visits.