Policy and Advocacy

The Consortium improves health access and care for low-income communities by advocating for government policies that strengthen nonprofit health centers. We maintain federal, state, regional and local advocacy efforts and engage our member clinic organizations in critical advocacy activities and campaigns.

In addition to working with member clinic organizations, we partner with key stakeholders to ensure maximum healthcare opportunities for underserved patients in Contra Costa and Solano Counties. Partners include the California Primary Care Association (CPCA), the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC), and the California Immigrant Policy Center (CIPC).

CLICK HERE for information from CIPC regarding the impact and implementation of health care reform in California as it relates to immigrants.


Register to vote online!

To register online to vote in the Primary Election (June 5th, 2012) or the Presidential Election (Nov 6, 2012), please visit http://www.saveourchcs.org/register-to-vote.cfm