Emergency Preparedness
The Consortium provides planning resources for emergency preparedness to its member clinics and enhance California Community Health Centers’ (CCHCs) capability to participate as an integral part of healthcare system disaster response.
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Health Access
The Consortium supports increased access to health care through a variety of efforts. In order to ensure that health centers are able to participate significantly in health insurance expansion and other health care reform efforts, the Consortium provides comprehensive training for clinic staff on public insurance options, outreach and education, enrollment, and retention support. We also work collaboratively with community partners to help shape ongoing delivery system transformation efforts.
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Access to Healthcare
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Policy and Advocacy
The Consortium improves health access and care for low-income communities by advocating for government policies that strengthen nonprofit health centers. We maintain federal, state, regional, and local advocacy efforts and engage our member clinic organizations in critical advocacy activities and campaigns.
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Quality Improvement
The Community Clinic Consortium is committed to supporting our health center members provide the highest quality care possible – with a focus on putting the patient first. We are engaged with our members in various high-impact initiatives such as achieving health home recognition or meeting performance targets in health plan pay-for-performance programs.
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Workforce Support and Improvement
Community Clinic Consortium is home to the East Bay Area Health Education Center (AHEC), a member of the California AHEC program. The mission of an AHEC is to enhance access to quality health care, particularly primary and preventive care, by improving the supply and distribution of healthcare professionals though community/academic educational partnerships.
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